Illinoisians deserve the freedom to choose
clean heat
Tell your legislator to move beyond burning gas
Moving toward clean energy gives Illinoisians the freedom to move beyond burning gas.
Moving toward clean energy gives Illinoisians the freedom to move beyond burning gas.
The freedom to choose clean heat:
Gives Illinoians more options and brings costs down for all.
Provides cleaner options that can clean our air of open flames and toxic fumes.
Allows Illinois to upgrade to modern options and away from old infrastructure.
Let’s support policies that help us move
burning gas!
How will supporting clean heat policies impact Illinois?
Tell your legislator to move beyond burning gas
Moving towards clean heatwill:
Lower costs for Illinoisians by giving them more options.
Provide discounts to low-income households to save money on their bills.
Modernize old, outdated infrastructure.
Help homeowners upgrade their homes.
Require utilities to gradually reduce carbon emissions to clean our air.
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Tell your legislator to move beyond burning gas
Paid for by the Illinois Environmental Council.
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